Saturday, April 11, 2009

Have I ever told you...

Wow! Long time no blog, huh? It's been awhile again. What has happened since I wrote last? I am onto my second long-term substitute job. The first one went by very quickly. That school actually offered me a full-time teaching job for next year, but I declined. I know that I am meant to go and teach in a public school now. I really like where I am at now and could see myself there or in a similar school like it for a long long long time. I have applied to several school districts throughout a lot of southern Wisconsin. Most of them have been for Kindergarten through 3rd grade- as that is what my license covers. I like teaching Kindergarten, but I think that I would LOVE to teach 2nd or 3rd grade. My mom and dad are kinda happy that I turned it down too, but for other reasons. My sister has been having a little bit of trouble with her second pregnancy. Please pray for her and the baby to remain healthy! Landon is doing great. He has grown up so much and is really working on his colors, ABCs and 123s! What a big boy! We went down to visit Erin in Gilberts, Il. a couple of weeks ago. It was nice to be there, but I agree with her that no one can be sick or have any issues when we go down there again. Her place is nice and I think that we should look for something like that when we finally move. However, I still like the idea of finding a fixer-upper to get a big chunk of my student loans paid off when we resell! My parents are doing well too. Other than working and trying to find the love and fun in my life is all that I have been up to. Hopefully I won't take so long to write next time. Peace!

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